I saw Mr Rigathi Gachagwa wondering when the rain started beating Kenya Kwanza. He claims not to know at what point they stopped being the darlings of a section of Kenyans.

For starters, UDA and Kenya Kwanza rode on the backs of the people at the bottom of the pyramid. Mama Mboga, mtu wa mkokoteni, watu ya bodaboda, basically the common man. They were told that this will be their government. Kenya Kwanza politicians claimed to be hustlers and downtrodden. Hustlers would be taken from the bottom in the bottom-up wheelbarrow agenda. And that the dynasties would be crashed.

Fast forward to post-election and the true colours of Kenya Kwanza emerged. In the appointments, no Mama Mboga was included. Instead, political loyalty was rewarded. Someone who had vied elsewhere and lost was given a position bigger than what he or she had vied for. Someone is rejected by voters, only for the voters to be shown the middle finger by having the loser given a ministry, parastatal, embassy, or promised a C.A.S position. How?

Then came the flaunting of wealth. Politicians who previously did not have more than two underwears suddenly started flying around with money in gunias. All of a sudden everyone had a football tournament. Waziris and wanasiasa wearing clothing items and accessories worth hundreds of thousands. lllegally and immorally gotten wealth being splashed all over. Church harambees left, right, centre. How?

Wakinunua magari wanapost tuone. Watoto wakigraduate international schools, tunapostiwa. When they do baby showers and weddings, they wear necklaces made out of thousand-shillings notes. Every politician is now using helicopters yet we pay them fuel allowance for the guzzlers we bought them. How?

The executive was not left behind. Statehouse renovations. New cars. Curtains, furniture, tiles, cabro, sea food. Allocation of tax money to spouses. Tax money being used to import Benny Hinn to come pray for someone to get a husband. A spouse getting tax money for exactly what Nacada was created for. Starve Nacada, fund the spouse. How?

Someone spending most of his time abroad, only visiting Kenya to change his crocodile belts. Unnecessary foreign trips that yield little to nothing. Summits that can be attended via WhatsApp video calls, ending up consuming hundreds of millions. How?

Politicians allied to a certain political affiliation had all their cases dropped. Some even had murder cases. The case is withdrawn, but Mtu wa Bodaboda is jailed for lacking a helmet. You sure they won’t get angry?

Farmers are brought donkey feaces and stones as fertiliser, the duty bearers are sanitized, and the country moves on as if nothing happened. How?

C.A.S position is declared unconstitutional but someone who was rejected at the ballot will be made a CAS, with a hefty salary and resources allocated to him/her. How?

Employees are forcibly deducted money to build houses they never asked for. And they will be made to buy those houses that were built using their salaries. How now?

Harambee Stars ‘hosting’ home matches in Malawi because we don’t have stadiums, but we have money to renovate a building that was constructed using less the amount. Aje?

Taxes hitting Kenyans from all sides, but we can’t see where the money is going. No new roads, no new hospitals, no nothing. Just foreign trips, crocodile belts, designer sunglasses, money in gunia, and you expect Kenyans to be silent. Aje sasa?

Graduates are jobless, university education has been made expensive, meals for school children are being withdrawn…but your politicians will flaunt their kids graduating from expensive schools and being gifted with cars.

Is Linda Mama working?

Governors looting and doing nothing since they are in their last terms.

Medics and JSS teachers having to go on strike to have their 17k salary increased in a country where a minister wears a watch worth a million shillings.

Your house burns down and to replace your burnt ID will cost you 1,000 shillings. Ni mattress utanunua ama ni ID?

Against a court order, Kenya deploying police to Haiti, leaving Kenyans vulnerable.

In the previous Financial Bill we added taxes on Baby milk formula a.k.a NAN.🍼 This year it was diapers.

Mr Rigathi, these are just but some of the reasons you and your colleagues in Kenya Kwanza fell out with Kenyans. Don’t look farther.

Go back to the Hustler. Retrace your steps. The rain started beating you when you isolated yourselves from the people.

All in all, let there be PEACE ✌🏿.

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